Tuesday, July 8, 2008

worst. day. ever.

Today was awful.

A woman called to add a ticket to her order.
She fortunately got a seat next to her other seats, and she got the total. It's 32 dollars plus the 4 dollar handling charge for processing orders.
It's a one-time charge, so even if you order 413 tickets, it's only one handling charge.
Anyways, the woman was outraged stating she thinks it is unfair because she paid it when she previously ordered tickets.
I explained it's for each ORDER not just the first time you order tickets.

"Well this makes me upset and frankly very annoyed. I'll let you know we may not be coming here again."

Want the truth? I've been listening to people like you all day and I frankly don't give a damn if you never come here again.

I didn't say that of course, but I was quite LOVELY.
She responds with, "We will discuss this when I arrive to get my tickets" as if it's an open forum or something.
Pay the 4 dollars you stingy jerk and shut up.

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