Friday, July 11, 2008

Her last name was Peters..

and she was definitely the "we will discuss this at the window" lady.

Okay, here's the update from last night.
She comes to the show looking high and mighty as if us box office workers are just little insignificant peasants in her world.
Moving on, she brings a wad of cash that I hope was once circulated through a group of hookers since she was touching it.

Here's how the conversation went.
Peters: I'd like my tickets now, and I am going to pay for them with cash.
Me: The order was already processed using the credit card number you gave us. In order to hold tickets, we must do immediate payment.
Peters: Well my friend said I could pay with cash at the window and then I wouldn't have to pay the processing fee of $4.00.
Me: If you come to the box office and ORDER tickets; it's not just if you pick them up here.
Peters: Well this is ridiculous. We will not be back! The woman I spoke to on the phone...
Me: Make sure you know what you're saying because I'M the one who spoke to you!
Peters: For an organization who wants people to come to your theatre, you sure make it difficult.
Me: Yeah, I know what you mean. Some people make it hard for me to want to keep my job!

I cannot take it.
And it was so bad that morning one of the girls in the box office was even crying.
It's not as easy as it looks, my friend.

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