Sunday, June 22, 2008

I only just got my first paycheck and yet I am working all day by myself in the box office.
I'm definitely going to eff something up.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What's my name again?

My phone rings at home.
It's work.

"Is Noel there" (pronounced knoll).
ME: "Huh?"
THEM: "This is the playhouse. Are you Noel?"
ME: "I'm No-elleeee." (pronounced No- L)
THEM: "Oh it looks like Noel to me"

So we converse for a few minutes and then..

"Oh thanks, see you later Noel".

what the effffff.

Monday, June 16, 2008

What's your name again?

So when a co-worker at my other job sends me a text message about sex, I got a bit distracted. How distracted you ask?

I took a woman's information down, got her tickets and credit card number, hung up, and realized I didn't get a name or any contact stuff.

Sigh, strike one. haha.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I got comp tickets from this job and gave them to someone I work with at my other job.
I got in trouble because she left early to watch the show.

I love life. :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hi, Mr. Ihavenoideawhati'mtalkingabout.

My boss during the interview: Have you ever been in any shows or productions?
ME: Well I played in the pit band.
HIM: Oh, I love that show.

Actually, I meant I played in the band that plays the songs that are in the musical; "The Pit Band" isn't a musical.
I played the music for West Side Story, but I think my boss is pretty fantastic despite sounding like an ass for that particular moment.